Thursday, August 2, 2007

Texas: 6 places been, 6 places to be

Hey, everybody's doing it, Eric and Jimmy so here's mine:
6 Places I've Been:
1. Caddo Lake - in a flat bottom boat with a 5 hp johnson outboard with my brother at sunset. The images of birds, turtles, alligators and beautiful swamps are still painted in my memories.
2. A French Bistro in Austin - I think it was on 7th, what a memorable meal it was, everything cooked to perfection and an apology for running out of squab (pigeon, which I didn't want anyway).
3. The Salt Lick - Driftwood, one of the grand halls of bar-b-que, be prepared to wait, sign in and they will call out your number eventually. When seated you get 45 mins to eat as much as you can then you are out, they have another 2,000 people waiting to eat on a typical saturday night.
4. The State Capitol - I drove by it many times and am still in awe of it. When I was attending culinary school in Austin I would gauge the weather by my ability to see the dome from a part of my commute.
5. The Riverwalk - The first "date-trip" my lovely bride and I took. Still remember the uhum great service at Dick's Last Resort.
6. Marfa - Mod Art in the middle of nowhere.

Places I need to go:
1. Lost Maples State Park - Get the impossible camping spot during october when the leaves change.
2. Any curvy road - I need a curvy road that I can safely feel the g's the Crossfire can take.
3. Dr Pepper Plant in Dublin - I need to make that pilgrimage for the best carbonated prune juice you can get.
4. Booked Up - I can only dream of the cookbooks they have there
5. That Museum at Thurber - Every time I drive to Dallas, I say to myself I'm going to stop and I can't use construction as an excuse anymore.
6.  Meyerson Symphony Hall in Dallas - One of I.M. Pei's masterpiece buildings, I've seen bits and pieces from afar but I want to fully experience the building and go inside.

1 comment:

Eric Siegmund said...

I've never heard of that BBQ joint; sounds like one could do some serious damage there. ;-)

Lost Maples is good choice. My wife and I bicycled down there from Kerrville one year, long ago when we were much younger and less wise. It's a gorgeous setting.